There is a universe of wisdom
within each of us Birth Doula A Birth Doula (pronounced Doo-La) is a woman who is trained to assist other women during childbirth. I am currently working on getting my my doula certification (through the Well Rounded Maternity Center) and so am offering my services for free or donation.
Benefits of a doula according to Evidence Based Birth:
My goals as a doula are:
I also currently offer private Prenatal Yoga |
Blessing Ways
Blessing ways are sacred rituals for the mother and baby, and her circle of support, celebrating and honoring the baby that is to be born, the mother the woman is growing into and all of our magical connection to the circle of life. Typically blessing ways are woman only but can be mixed gender. Unlike baby showers there is less emphasize on gifts for baby to be with the focus being on strengthening the mothers sense of empowerment, and community connections. Let me help you plan this event using the power of sharing experience.
Support Circles are a way to bring people together and create space for win win solutions. Sometimes called talking, sharing or healing circles. I encourage my clients to call together their family and friends to create tighter healthier community, share truth, make requests and build trust and understanding. A circle can many things. Often it can be a strong step in building a support system that mother and baby can utilize for years to come. To promote accessibility I offer a sliding scale fee for all of my services Blessing Way and Circle Fee $125-$350. Includes meeting ahead of time to discussion ceremony options and the facilitation of the ceremony. |
Contact Me[email protected]
(414)372-3824 |
Thanks for visiting my website, Dancing with Everything.
All art and pictures on this website is by myself family or friends, please ask before using or sharing.
All art and pictures on this website is by myself family or friends, please ask before using or sharing.