Our Bodies are designed to live with obstacles. Obstacles are gifts and make us strong and flexible. For most of my adult life I dealt with lower back pain, sometimes debilitating. I tried many methods to heal my body and rid myself of the pain and stiffness. Then in 2012 I went and lived in the woods for 11 months and gained a level of strength and flexibility in my core I had never known before. From this I learned that modern life and all our comforts is often doing us a disservice. We need obstacles. Stepping over or going under a branch in our pathway may slow us down but it keeps our spines supple, our knees moving. Sitting, lowing ourselves to the floor and getting up is one of our most basic skills and gifts. When a baby first sits up her parents celebrate. We naturally know how important this simple gift and skill is. In modern life many of us have lost the core strength and flexibility to get up and down from the ground and to sit on the ground. Yoga, pilates, and physical therapy are all ways to address our weakness and lack of flexibility, but many of us don't have the focus and discipline needed to regain what we have lost through a disabling life style. By living a life closer to the ground, using stools, having low tables and desks, we can regain our strength and flexibility that are our birth right through life style not workouts. Of course we need to work from where we are and work within our own comfort levels and those of our families. Changes can be very difficult and for many slow. Many of us need a lot of time for change, but humans are, by nature, really good at adapting. Contact me and lets see how you can change your life so that your life style helps you regain health or so your children never loose it! Read my full story about sitting on the ground here.
Drawing from these beliefs and my experiences of "powering down" and living in the woods of Northern Wisconsin for 11 month I have deep understanding of what we really need to be healthy and happy. Much of our modern lifestyle breeds disconnection and disease in other aspects besides in our bodies. I can help you redesign your life to promote a healthy body and spirit.
In times of stress and fear, release and trust are all the more important to practice. For over 10 years I have worked in homes with people as a clearing coach, or professional organizer. It is work I love doing, supporting people to release clutter and organize their homes as part of their healing journey. "Things" do not bring us happiness and neither does "letting go of things" but the path, or practice, of releasing and growing trust by clearing our clutter is a healthy one. I listen, I hear, I support. I encourage, I help, I offer tips and knowledge, and I let healing and growth happen at its natural rate.
It is important to me that my services be affordable for those in need but on more limited budgets. For all of my support and coaching work I offer sliding fees and a first hour consultation with no charge when we can get together and see if working together feels like a good fit. Contact me

This is a picture of one of the first families I converted! Jumping all in after hearing my story and visiting my home, they put almost all of their living furniture on the floor! These kids will grow up with flexible and strong spines and core muscles.
Thanks for visiting my website, Dancing with Everything.
All art and pictures on this website is by myself family or friends, please ask before using or sharing.
All art and pictures on this website is by myself family or friends, please ask before using or sharing.